Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Massimo Zimbone
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: FIS/07 - Applied physics
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The main objective of the course is to give, bacic (both theoretical and experimental) knoledge of physical principles . Students will be able to apply the simple physic concepts to concrete cases and in particular to apply physic to the biomedical field.

Course Structure

42 hours of traditional (frontal) lesson.

Detailed Course Content

Scalar quantities, international system of units, scalars and vectors, vectors addition, scalar product and vector product.


Kinematics: velocity, acceleration, linear and circular motions.

Dynamics: Concept of force, laws of motion, inertial masses, mass and gravitational force, frictional force, elastic force, and applications in biomechanics. Moment of forces, the rigid body, constraints and levers, rigid body dynamics, levers in human body.

Work, power, kinetic energy, potential energy, conservative and non-conservative forces, conservation of energy.

Fluids: density, pressure, Pascal's principle, hydrostatic pressure, ideal fluids, continuity equation, Bernoulli's theorem, real liquids: viscosity, hydraulic resistance, blood circulation, Stokes' law, diffusion, sedimentation and centrifugation, diffusion and osmotic phenomena.

Surface phenomena: molecular forces, surface tension, Laplace's law, air embolism, capillary.

Gaseous state: temperature and temperature scales, thermal expansion in gases, ideal gas laws, equation of state for ideal gases, kinetic theory of gases, real gases and the equation of state of Van der Waals, saturated steam and power of steam.

Thermodynamics: heat, specific heat, heat propagation and thermoregulation, internal energy, principles of thermodynamics, thermodynamic processes, phase transition and latent heat.

Electricity and magnetism: Coulomb's law, electrostatic field, electrostatic potential, motion of charges in electric fields, conductors and insulators, electric current, Ohm's law, electric power, elementary circuits, Joule's law, electrophoresis, electrolysis, magnetic field , magnetic force, motion of charges in magnetic fields.

Geometrical optics: light, colours, light rays, reflection and refraction, Snell's law, right-angle and dispersive prisms, total internal reflection, optical fibres, lenses, image formation, optical microscope, human eye.

Waves: general information on waves, wavelength and frequency, elastic and electromagnetic waves, intensity and energy, diffraction and interference, intensity of sound, Doppler ultrasound, use of ultrasound in medical diagnosis.

Radiation: wave-particle duality, radiation, ionizing radiation, radiation-biological tissue interaction, damage from radiation, X-ray dosimetry.

Textbook Information

PIROLA, TALLONE, Fisica per studenti di medicina e chirurgia. Ediermes.

E. RAGOZZINO, Principi di Fisica. Ed. S.E.S.

D. SCANNICCHIO, Fisica biomedica Edises