Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Giovanni BRAMANTI
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: MAT/07 - Mathematical physics
Taught classes: 42 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The student will learn elements of mathematics and statistics in coherence with the curriculo of degree in Farmacy.

Course Structure

The course is structured in 42 hour of lessons about the contents with illustration distributed in two lesson for week of duration of 2 or 3 hours for each lesson. Other learning objects (multiple choice test for self evaluation, paper of the lessons) will be posted using the Edmodo platform for didactic. Textbooks useful for deepen the learning will be indicate in each lesson.

Detailed Course Content

  1. Elements of logic and set theory
  2. Common use elementary function: arithmetic goniometric, esponential, logarithmic.
  3. Elements of differential and integral calculus, with a particular attention in differential equations and models for biological applications (pharmacokinetic, chemical kinetic)
  4. Descriptive statistics, collecting and presentating data, representations by table and graphs, central tendency and dispersion indices.
  5. Elements of inferential statistic. Methods for linear regression and predictions, covariance and correlation index. Binomial distribution, gaussian distribution, elements about chi square and t-distribution, statistical confidence and hypothesis testing.

Textbook Information

Prerequisites: TeoriTest 2- Teoria ed esercizi per le prove di ammissione a Medicina, Odontoiatria, Veterinaria e per i corsi di laurea delle aree: Biotecnologie, Farmacia, CTF, Scienze biologiche. –Editore Alpha Test

  1. Metodi e modelli matematici, S. Motta e M. A. Ragusa, (2011) Ed. CULC.
  2. Metodi e modelli matematici (esercizi e complementi) S. Motta e M.A. Ragusa jelo di Lentini, Andrea Scapellato.
  3. Elementi di Logica: Domenico Zambella – Dip. Di Matematica, Politecnico di Torino, Quaderno #19 – Settembre 2003; internet address: Solo capitolo 1 e 2.
  4. Mat&matica, Corso di base per le discipline bio-farmaceutiche, M.C. Patria e G. Zanghirati, Pitagora Editrice 2003
  5. Matematica per le discipline Bio-Mediche 4ed., V. Villani – McGraw-Hill (2007)
  6. Calcolo differenziale 1 – Robert A. Adams – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana (2003)
  7. Matematica per le scienze della vita - Erin N. Bodine, Suzanne Lenhart, Louis J. Gross - UTET.


  1. Mat&matica, Corso di base per le discipline bio-farmaceutiche, M.C. Patria e G. Zanghirati, Pitagora Editrice 2003. Appunti dalla lezioni.
  2. Le basi della statistica per scienze bio-mediche, T.D.V. Swinscow – M.J. Campbell Edizioni Minerva Medica.