Academic Year 2020/2021 - 1° Year- MATEMATICA E STATISTICA: Francesco NOTO
- Basic and Applied Computer Science: Francesco PAPPALARDO
Scientific field: MAT/07 - Mathematical physics
Taught classes: 84 hours
Term / Semester: 1° and 2°
Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the student must acquire the knowledge on the main themes, motivations and methods of the infinitesimal calculus in a variable.
The fundamental educational objectives will be those of reasoning and logical logical deduction.
- Basic and Applied Computer Science
At the end of the course, the student will acquire information theory basic concepts and programming and reasoning systems global knowledge; He will know the computer networks and he will be able to identify related issues. Finally, he will own a global vision of the hypertext markup language (HTML) useful to develop and design a simple WEB site.
Course Structure
- Basic and Applied Computer Science
Through lessons and practical sessions at the end of each learning unit (when planned).
If the lessons are given in a mixed or remote way, the necessary changes with respect to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to meet the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus.
Detailed Course Content
- Recalls on set theory and functions
- Topology, continuity, successions and limits
- Differential calculus for functions of a variable
- Riemann's Integration for functions of a variable
- Combinatorial calculation
- Chance
- Basic and Applied Computer Science
Section 1.
Information theory basic concepts; Hardware, Software; Information technology; Computers types; PC components; Computer performances. Hardware: CPU; Memory; I/O peripherals; Memory devices. Software: applications, operating systems; Graphical User Interface; System development.
Section 2.
Computer networks: LAN, WAN; Intranet, extranet; Internet; PSTN line; Net applications; Digital world: e-mail, e-commerce. WEB; Basic concepts of Computer Network Security.
Section 3.
Introduction and definition of WEB; URI; HTML definition; Fundamental concepts; W3C consortium; Structure of a HTML document; TAG elements; Inline elements and block levels; Text Tag; Paragraphs; Colors and Fonts; Lists (ordered and not ordered); Links; Sounds and images; Tables; Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
Textbook Information
- Marcellini, Sbordone - Analisi Matematica Vol.1 – Liguori Editore
- Marcellini, Sbordone – Esercitazioni di Analisi Matematica 1 – Liguori Editore
- Bartolotta - Esercizi di matematica - Edises
- Fondamenti di matematica per la formazione di base - Volume 1 Numeri e operazioni
- Materiale del docente
- Slide delle lezioni
- Basic and Applied Computer Science
Teacher's notes.