Academic Year 2017/2018 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff
Scientific field
Term / Semester: 1° and 2°
- ANATOMIA: Claudia Lombardo
- FISIOLOGIA: Adriana Carol Graziano
Scientific field
- BIO/16 - Human anatomy
- BIO/09 - Physiology
Term / Semester: 1° and 2°
Learning Objectives
- Gain a clear understanding of the cellular mechanisms and network that enable the human body to function.
- Knowing the integrated functioning of the different organs, apparatus and control systems through which the living organism obtains and maintains homeostasis.
- Clear understanding of the mechanisms that, when abnormal, turn into pathological dysfunctions.
Detailed Course Content
General part
- Compartmentalization: cells, tissues and organs
- Homeostasis, adaptation and responsiveness.
- Intercellular Communication and modulation of signal transduction.
- Control systems: Feedback Loops.
The Nervous System
- Functional Classification: central and peripheral nervous system
- Cells of the Nervous System.
- Neurons: excitable cells.
- Resting potential and action potential.
- Chemical and electrical synapses
- Post-synaptic responses.
- The central nervous system
- Afferent Pathways
- Efferent Pathways: autonomic nervous system and the somatic motor system.
- The control of body movement: integrated functions of the spinal cord, cerebellum and basal ganglia.
The Endocrine System
- Hormones, chemical characteristics, synthesis and secretion, transport in blood, mode of action.
- Functions of the main endocrine glands: hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas. Regulation of calcium metabolism.
- The Hypothalamus: its fundamental role in the Regulatory Systems of the homeostasis.
- Muscular system: functions and mechanism of skeletal, smooth muscle and heart.
- Neuromuscular Junction.
Cardiovascular system
- General properties, electrocardiogram, mechanical cycle of the heart.
- Cardiac output and its regulation.
- Regulation of blood pressure: influence of the vessels and the renin-angiotensin system.
- The baroreflex.
Renal physiology
- Urinary system, nephron, glomerular ultrafiltration, resorption processes and tubular secretion.
- Antidiuretic hormone and aldosterone: the control of diuresis.
- Regulation of acid-base balance. Buffers of human body.
- Urination and its regulation.
Respiratory system
- Breathing and functions of the pleural space.
- Functions of the lung in the regulation of acid-base balance.
- Nervous control of breathing
- Chemical control of breathing
- Control of the respiratory center.
Nutrition physiology
- Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
- Basal metabolic rate, body masses and their determination.
- Water balance: intake and elimination. Regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance by hormones: vasopressin, renin, angiotensin, aldosterone. The thirst center.
Textbook Information
- Carbone, Cicirata, Aicardi - Fisiologia: dalle molecole ai sistemi integrati – EDISES