Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Valeria SORRENTI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The aim of the course is to provide the student with the elements for understanding the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of cellular metabolism and its regulation. Particular attention will be given to the metabolic fate of nutrients, to the biochemical processes influenced by any chemical species present in foods and to the role of the biochemical mechanisms involved in the management of environmental problems: pollution and depollution.

Course Structure

The course includes 56 hours of frontal lessons.

 "Information for students with disabilities and/or DSAA guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can request a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on the educational objectives and specific needs It is also possible to contact the CInAP (Centre for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or DSA) professor of our Department, Prof. Santina Chiechio."

Required Prerequisites

Good knowledge of both biology (in particular of the animal and plant cell) and Organic Chemistry (in particular of the properties and molecular structure of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, aromatic compounds and the main functional groups) is required.

Detailed Course Content


Composition of living matter. Molecular composition of cells: water, salts, amino acids, proteins, glycosides, lipids and nucleic acids

Amino acids and proteins:

peptide bond, structure and functions of proteins, allosteric proteins, myoglobin, hemoglobin and cytochromes.

Enzymes and enzymatic catalysis:

General properties and characteristics of enzymes; classification and nomenclature of enzymes, isozymes, multi-enzyme complexes. Enzyme kinetics, enzyme inhibition, regulation of enzymes, structure and function of coenzymes.

Glycides: Structure and functions.

Lipids: Structure and functions.

Nucleic acids: Structure of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides; Structure of DNA and RNA. DNA duplication and repair, RNA transcription and maturation; protein synthesis and regulation of gene expression

Introduction to metabolism: anabolic and catabolic pathways.


Foods and Nutrients.

The need for energy: energy function of foods; notes on bioenergetics.

Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.

Metabolic fate of carbohydrates: glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis and glycogenosynthesis, decarboxylation of pyruvate, Krebs cycle and its functions, pentose pathway, enzymatic and hormonal regulation of glucose metabolism, mechanism of action of insulin, glucagon and adrenaline

Metabolic fate of lipids: beta oxidation and synthesis of lipids, hormonal and enzymatic regulation, ketogenesis, synthesis of triglycerides and cholesterol.

Metabolic fate of proteins and amino acids: transamination and decarboxylation, role of pyridoxal phosphate, urea cycle and its regulation.

Eating-Fasting Cycle


 Production of radical species and endogenous and exogenous defense mechanisms

Plants and interactions with the environment: biochemical adaptations of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses, salinity, xenobiotics, herbicides, climate and temperature variations (CAM and C4 plants), heavy metals, plant toxins and their effects on animals, hormonal interactions between plants and animals.

Enzymes and environment: microorganisms and enzymes as biosensors, enzymes and heavy metals, enzymes and microorganisms for the removal of oil slicks in sea and soil

Environmental pollution and bioindicators

Food spoilage and food contaminants

Application of enzymes in industry: green processes

Textbook Information

1.  D. VOET, J. VOET, C. W. PRATT- Principi di biochimica- Zanichelli

2.  -G. ARIENTI- Un compendio di biochimica- Ed. Piccin

3.  -P.C.CHAMPE, R.A. HARVEY, D.R. FERRIER- Le basi della Biochimica-Zanichelli

4.  -D.L.NELSON, M.M. COX- I principi di biochimica di Lehningher- Zanichelli

5.  U. Leuzzi, E. Bellocco, D. Barreca.Biochimica della nutrizione. Ed. ZANICHELLI

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral interview to verify the achievement of the training objectives. The relevance of the answers to the questions asked, the level of depth of the topic and the ability to connect the different topics covered by the program will constitute elements of evaluation.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

1. Enzyme Kinetics of monomeric enzymes

 2. Glycolysis: reactions and regulation

3. Mycotoxins and metabolic alterations

 4. Structural and functional characteristics of allosteric proteins

 5. Transamination reactions

 6.Function of nutrients

7.Bioremedation and phytoremedation