Academic Year 2020/2021 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Venerando PISTARA'
Credit Value: 12
Scientific field: CHIM/06 - Organic chemistry
Taught classes: 70 hours
Exercise: 24 hours
Term / Semester: One-year

Learning Objectives

The aims of this course is to transmit to the student a good and solid grounding in the basic principles of organic chemistry through study of the structure-function relationships of organic compounds, the chemistry of functional groups, and reactions of organic compounds, which are required for the successful completion of other courses of general background, such as pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology and biochemistry

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to know the structure and nomenclature of the principal functional groups of organic compounds, their chemistry and reactivity.

At the end of the course the students will:

  1. Know and recall the fundamental principles of organic chemistry that include chemical bonding, nomenclature, structural isomerism, stereochemistry, chemical reactions and mechanism.
  2. Name the functional groups and different class of organic compounds.
  3. Recognize the basic practical skills for the synthesis and analysis of organic compounds.
  4. Predict the reactivity of an organic compound from its structure.
  5. Develop basic skills for the multi-step synthesis of organic compounds.
  6. Justify a reasonable mechanism for a chemical reaction.

Course Structure

The teaching is given as lectures and exercises

Detailed Course Content

PART ONE: An Introduction to the Study of Organic Chemistry

1. Remembering General Chemistry: Electronic Structure and Bonding

2. Acids and Bases: Central to Understanding Organic Chemistry

3. An Introduction to Organic Compounds: Nomenclature, Physical Properties, and Structure


PART TWO: Electrophilic Addition Reactions, Stereochemistry, and Electron Delocalization

4. Isomers: The Arrangement of Atoms in Space

5. Alkenes: Structure, Nomenclature, and an Introduction to Reactivity • Thermodynamics and Kinetics

6. The Reactions of Alkenes • The Stereochemistry of Addition Reactions

7. The Reactions of Alkynes • An Introduction to Multistep Synthesis

8. Delocalized Electrons: Their Effect on Stability, pKa, and the Products of a Reaction • Aromaticity and Electronic Effects: An Introduction the Reactions of Benzene


PART THREE: Substitution and Elimination Reactions

9. Substitution and Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Halides

10. Reactions of Alcohols, Ethers, Epoxides, Amines, and Sulfur-Containing Compounds

11. Organometallic Compounds

12. Radicals


PART FOUR: Carbonyl Compounds

15. Reactions of Carboxylic Acids and Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

16. Reactions of Aldehydes and Ketones • More Reactions of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

17. Reactions at the α-Carbon


PART FIVE: Aromatic Compounds

18. Reactions of Benzene And Substituted Benzenes

19. Reactions of Amines • Reactions of Heterocyclic Compounds

18. The chemistry of Heteroaromatic Compounds


PART SIX: Bioorganic Compounds

20. The Organic Chemistry Of Carbohydrates

21. Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins

22. Catalysis in Organic Reactions and in Enzymatic Reactions

26. The Chemistry of the Nucleic Acids

Textbook Information

  1. Organic Chemistry – P. Y. Bruice – 3rd Ed. 2017 – EdiSES, ISBN 9788879599351 (molecular models kit included).
  2. Organic Chemistry – AA. VV., B. Botta Ed, – 2nd Ed. 2016 – Edi-Ermes, ISBN 9788870514780.
  3. Organic Chemistry Solutions Manual – N. E. Schore e K. P. C. Vollhardt – 4th Ed. 2016 – Zanichelli, ISBN 9788808436900.