Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: BARBARA TOMASELLO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Educational goals:

-stimulate and enhance the new roles of pharmacists in the transition from dispenser to counselor and to prescriber of supplements and nutraceuticals;

- provide a theoretical knowledge of the main biochemical and biomolecular methodologies aimed at the research and measurement of physiological, pathological and above all predictive biomarkers;

- provide the theoretical knowledge of modern methodologies useful for scientific investigation, for the management of existing technologies and those deriving from scientific innovation in the field of biology applied to the study of cellular and animal systems in physio-pathological conditions

- stimulate the acquisition of the epistemological method that allows to reach critical and reflective skills on language, in the analysis of research projects, experimental protocols and results, organization of methods and scientific knowledge, as well as teamworking

Course Structure

Interactive Lectures with use of ppt slides containing movie clips, links to Web sites and lecture. Classroom activites will be carried out.

Should teaching be carried out in hybrid mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in agreement with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus

"Information for students with disabilities and / or LSD

To guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with the laws in force, students concerned can ask for a personal meeting in order to plan any compensatory tools and / or dispensatory measures, based on the didactic objectives and individual needs. For further information, it is also possible to contact the referent professor for  CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and / or LSD) of our Department, Prof. Teresa Musumeci. "

Required Prerequisites

GENERAL BIOCHEMISTRY,General chemistry, biology. Knowledge of cellular metabolic processes, cell biology, structure and function of proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, replication, transcription, translation. Knowledge of: splicing and alternative splicing mechanisms, restriction enzymes and their role, cloning vectors, enzymes and isoforms. For the preparatory disciplines, please refer to the regulations of the degree course of your cohort entry year

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is required and 30% absences are permitted
The rights of working students and students with disabilities are protected

Detailed Course Content

The new role of the Pharmacist and the Pharmacy of services in Italy.
The analytical cycle. Biological samples and their use in the laboratory: pre-analytical, analytical and reporting variability.
Self-analysis and enzymatic activities in Pharmacy.
Organ disease, malnutrition diseases (maldigestion, malabsorption, obesity), metabolic diseases (diabetes, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome and cardiometabolic disease) and related biomarkers.
Oxidative stress and related pathologies, self-analysis.
Nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics and epigenetics in disease's risk
Microbiota and Dysbiosis. Analysis of the microbiome and markers of impaired intestinal permeability.
Inflammatory pathologies. Vitamin D and its metabolome in different pathologies. Vitamin B6 and B12. Methylation and transulfuration cycle: physiological and pathological roles
Next generation sequencing: NGS; study of the whole exome and clinical exome: clinical applications.One- and two-dimensional proteomics and metabolites' studies.
DNA damage and repair: Comet assay. Widely used techniques in clinical biochemistry, biomedicine, forensics and occupational medicine, diagnostics: immunochemical and electrophoretic techniques, PCR, RFLP. cDNA and notes on vectors. Recombinant DNA and applications.Omics Technologies

Textbook Information

Theaching materials provided by the lecturer on the Studium portal (lecture slides and fact sheets)

•Ciaccio-Lippi, Biochimica clinica e medicina di laboratorio. EDISES Eds 2017

•Janson-Tischler, Biochimica Clinica-  (Ed Italiana di m. Plebani)- Ediz. Piccin 2015

•Antonozzi, Gulletta, Medicina di Laboratorio Logica e patologia Clinica Piccin

•Michael Laposata. MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO NEL LABORATORIO CLINICO. Ediz. Piccin, 2012 (italian version); III edition in English

•R.R. Holmes, J,Weyers, A.,Jones: METODOLOGIE DI BASE PER LE SCIENZE BIOMOLECOLARI,Ed. Zanichelli 2008;
Damiano Galimberti et al. Nutrigenomica ed epigenetica. Dalla Biologia alla clinica. EdRa 2017
Dai J Dale, et al Geni ai Genomi . Edises 2013

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1New roles for the pharmacist. Pharmacy of Services and self-analysis (DM16.12.2010, G.U.No.57, 10.03.2011). First and second instance analyses and sample collection Diapositive del Docente.;
2Brief summary of the main analytical and separative techniques.Quality control of instrumentation, reagents and results obtained;Analytical and biological variability, preanalytical, analytical and reporting accuracy.Diapositive del Docente. Ciaccio-Lippi, Biochimica clinica e medicina di laboratorio. EDISES Eds 2017
3Introduction to Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology. Concept of molecular biomarkers; specific and general biomarkers; biomarkers of exposure and effect.Diapositive del Docente. Ciaccio-Lippi, Biochimica clinica e medicina di laboratorio. EDISES Eds 2017; Michael Laposata. MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO. Ediz. Piccin, II edizione Italia;
4Clinic enzymology.Biochemical alterations and diagnosis of some diseases (diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, dyslipidemia, altered liver function, altered cardiac function). Malabsorption and maldigestion diseases (celiac disease and lactose intolerance).Cardiometabolic disease and biomarkers. The different forms of Diabetes and biomarkers.Diapositive fornite dal docente.Ciaccio-Lippi, EDISES 2017
5Oxidative stress and related diseases; endogenous and exogenous antioxidants. Lifestyles and dietary antioxidants. Biomarkers of oxidative stress evaluationDiapositive del Docente.Damiano Galimberti et al. Nutrigenomica ed epigenetica. Dalla Biologia alla clinica. EdRa 2017. Michael Laposata. MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO. Ediz. Piccin, II edizione Italiana;
6Lipidomics.Hair mineralogram :metals and toxic metals. Clinicodiagnostic significance of these investigations and their possible inclusion among the services offered by the pharmacyDiapositive e materiale approfondimento fornito dal docente
7Nutraceutics and Lifestyles in Epigenetics Diapositive del docente. Damiano Galimberti et al. Nutrigenomica ed epigenetica. Dalla Biologia alla clinica. EdRa 2017
8"One carbon cycle": vit.B6 and B12 deficiencies and related pathways (folate cycle, transulfuration pathway, DNA methylation, neurotransmitter synthesis, homocysteine) in the associated pathologiesDiapositive del Docente
9Basic techniques used in molecular diagnostics. Recombinant DNA, cDNA, cloning, RFLP, Blotting techniques. DNA sequencing and diagnostic-prognostic value of genome analysis. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and their analytical-diagnostic value. Exome analysis and clinical significance. Diapositive del Docente. Damiano Galimberti et al. Nutrigenomica ed epigenetica. Dalla Biologia alla clinica. EdRa 2017 Dai J Dale, et al Geni ai Genomi . Edises 2013 Ciaccio-Lippi, Biochimica clinica e medicina di laboratorio. EDISES Eds 2017
10Importance and role of human intestinal microbiota in different pathalogies. Microbiome analysis and biomarkers of altered intestinal permeability. Alteration of the gut microbiota: carnitine, choline,TMAO signaling pathway and cardiovascular damage. Two-dimensional electrophoresis and proteomics. Brief summary on omics sciences. Comet assay to assess different types of DNA damage.Diapositive del docente.Ciaccio-Lippi, Bioch clinica e medicina di laboratorio. EDISES 2017; R.R. Holmes, et al.: MET DI BASE PER SCI. BIOMOLECOLARI, Zanichelli 2008;;R. Forlani, Analisi di Labor.....2011;D.Galimberti et al. Nutrig. Epig.2017. J Dale 2013

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The final exam will be oral and based on lectures, slides and textbooks

At the end of the course there will be an open-ended written test consisting of 30 multiple-choice questions and 5 open-ended questions. The test will receive a grade which will be taken  into account in the final exam.
Verification of learning can also be an online assessment, if conditions require it.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Examples of questions:
- Applications and Potential of novel  Pharmacy of Services
- Different Biological Samples to Assess Biomarkers.
-Cardiometabolic Pathology and Biomarkers
- Application of Omics Sciences