
Debora Santonocito

Tell us about yourself: what is your educational and academic background?
I’m Debora Concetta Santonocito, an Associate Researcher at the Department of Drug and Health Sciences, University of Catania (Italy).
I’ve graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at the University of Catania in 2016 with a final work concerning the “Evaluation of antioxidant and anticancer activity of compounds extracted from Crocus Sativus L. through lipid nanoparticles”.

Sebastiano Intagliata

Tell us about yourself: what is your educational and academic background?

Barbara Tomasello

Tell us about yourself: what is your educational and academic background?
Currently, I’m a researcher and professor in Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology for both the Bachelor Degrees in Pharmacy, and in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies.
I have developed my educational background to target work in the research field on drugs and related products for the cure of diseases.

Giulia Russo

Tell us about yourself: what is your educational and academic background?
By training I’m a pharmacist and I chose this field of study because I’m pretty interested in medicine and healthcare.
After the graduation I chose to focus on research and I got my PhD in Basic and Applied Biomedical Sciences, focusing on modeling & simulation techniques as support methodologies to optimize the research and development pipeline for medicinal products, especially vaccines.

Nadia Licciardello

Tell us about yourself: what is your educational and academic background?
After obtaining the Bachelor degree in Chemistry (2009) and the Master degree in Chemistry of Materials (2011) at the University of Catania, Italy, Nadia Licciardello started her PhD studies at the University of Münster, Germany.

Giuseppe Floresta

Tell us about yourself: what is your educational and academic background?

Prodotti della Ricerca / Research products

Elenco delle Pubblicazioni scientifiche recenti / Recent scientifc publications


Eventi / Events

  • Nell'ambito della fiera MEDITERRARIA EXPO - Bio and Excellences (27-29 aprile 2023) (https://mediterraria.it/), il CERNUT ha organizzato un evento congressistico sul tema: "NUTRACEUTICI ED ECCELLENZE REGIONALI" (v. allegato). L'incontro rivolto al pubblico generico si è svolto il 27 Aprile presso il centro Le Ciminiere dalle ore 16.00 alle ore 18.00.